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Hi, Welcome to My Humble Abode.

I am Chukwuka Leonard Nwanonenyi, a passionate and skilled Fullstack Developer dedicated to crafting innovative digital solutions. With a strong foundation in both frontend and backend technologies, I showcase my skills in various programming languages, frameworks, and tools, as well as my problem-solving abilities and attention to detail. Join me on this journey as we explore the world of web development and witness the power of technology in action. Let's collaborate and turn ideas into reality!




I specialize in creating robust, scalable, and efficient web applications tailored to meet your unique business needs. Leveraging the latest technologies and best practices, I ensure that every project is delivered on time and exceeds expectations. Whether it's front-end development using React or building secure back-end solutions, my focus is on delivering high-quality code and exceptional user experiences.

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Ensuring your website remains secure, up-to-date, and running smoothly is crucial for maintaining your online presence. I offer comprehensive maintenance services that include regular updates, performance optimization, and troubleshooting to keep your site functioning at its best. With a proactive approach to maintenance, I help you avoid potential issues and ensure your site delivers a seamless experience to your users.

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My consultation services are designed to provide you with strategic insights and expert guidance to help your business thrive in the digital landscape. Whether you need advice on technology selection, project planning, or optimizing your current systems, I offer tailored solutions that align with your goals. Together, we can identify opportunities for growth and implement strategies that drive success.

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About Me

Nwanonenyi Chukwuka is a fullstack developer from Igboland in Africa.

I have been a developer for a while now. Learning doesn't stop and I am always eager to learn and use new technologies in order to be really good at what I do. Software development and using technologies are things that I have passion for. I love learning and using technologies.

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Over the years, I have learnt and improved my skills on various programming languages, frameworks, libraries and tools. They include but are not limited to the following:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • TailwindCSS
  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL
  • PHP
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Etc

Portfolio & Experience

Dedicated to creating high-quality websites tailored to your needs. I am committed to helping you advance your career through exceptional web development services.






Working Hours




My full-stack development process is designed to ensure the delivery of high-quality, efficient, and scalable solutions. Each project is meticulously handled through the following stages:

Feasibility analysis

This initial step involves assessing the technical and economic viability of the project. By evaluating the project's requirements, potential challenges, and resource availability, I ensure that the proposed solution is both practical and achievable.

Designing & Modelling

During this phase, I create detailed blueprints and models of the application. This includes designing the user interface, database schemas, and system architecture. The goal is to establish a clear and coherent plan that guides the development process.


This is the core development phase where the application is built. Utilizing modern technologies and coding best practices, I develop both the front-end and back-end components of the application, ensuring they integrate seamlessly to deliver a robust solution.

Quality Assurance

In this critical step, I rigorously test the application to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Through comprehensive testing procedures, including unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance testing, I ensure the application meets the highest standards of quality and performance.

Deployment & Release

The final step involves deploying the application to a live environment and making it available to users. I handle the setup, configuration, and monitoring of the deployment to ensure a smooth and successful release. Post-deployment, I provide support to address any issues that may arise and ensure the application runs efficiently.



Below are some of the web apps and sites that I have developed over the years.

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Virtual Top Up

Created with Next.js and integrated with multiple APIs for seamless payments. I may still make some improvements in the future. I have created many of such sites. Unfortunately, the source codes are not publicly available.

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Real Time Chat

I created this site with Node.js, Socket.Io, HTML, CSS and JavaScript as a hobby project. I have integrated chat features in other sites. You can view the source code using the buttons below.

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E-Shop With Shopify

Created with Next.js and Shopify as a hobby project and for learning. I may still make some improvements in the future. You can view the source code using the buttons below.

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I created this site site with Next.js and MongoDb. I may still make some improvements in the future. You can view the source code using the buttons below.

Ready to Work Together?

I'm always excited to collaborate on new projects and bring ideas to life. Let's create something amazing together.

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